
An open letter to Don Cherry

The following letter, while visceral reaction to a tasteless political conversation at Toronto City Hall, articulates the importance of Complete Streets policy in Toronto and in every jurisdiction globally. We need to recognize that Bikes are part of the solution for decarboning the economy. We need to consider with humility that the Streets of Yesterday were designed by and for adults with cars, and the Streets of Tomorrow will be designed for maximum efficiency in creating cities that move, where all modes of travel are accessible and safe, including Walking, Cycling and Transit. by Dave Meslin on Wednesday, 08 December 2010 at 10:13 Dear Don, Congratulations on being chosen to introduce Mayor Ford on his first day at City Council. It's quite an honour. I think it's unfortunate that you used the opportunity to be divisive and fan the flames of partisan politics at City Hall. What our city needs, and wants, is a collaborative approach to decision making that attempts to take into account different perspectives and opinions.