
Selling High Performance Homes: The Realtors Role

February 12, 2013 10-11 PT / 11-12 MT / 12-1 CT / 1-2 ET / 2-3 AT / 2:30-3:30 NT Panel Moderated by Chris Chopik, Managing Director, Evolution Green Are realtors helping or hindering the sale of high performance homes? Are they able to recognize and communicate the key features and benefits that distinguish them from other homes on the market? (Such as lower utility bills.) These are only a few of the questions that builders have been pondering as their high performance homes come onto the resale market. Additionally, some builders are challenged with keeping their own realty businesses informed, or in the case of smaller builders, they may utilize realtors as their primary sales staff and have no control over the realtors ongoing educational efforts. Join us for an engaging and exploratory discussion on the challenges of marketing and selling high performance homes from a builders perspective, and learn what the real estate industry is doing to meet the marketplace consumer demand and product availability. Our panel includes builders as well as professionals from the realty industry. (See profiles below.) We will hear about their experiences with realtors as well as the broader real estate industry, and learn what initiatives they have undertaken to utilize realtors to sell high performance homes. We’ll also hear about specific initiatives that have been implemented to advance the evolving realty industry's capacity to value high performance homes. Participants will have the opportunity to dialogue with the panelists and discuss how we can work with realtors to become a communication channel and ally for high performance home builders. Key Points Covered: Challenges that builders face when marketing and selling high performance homes. The builders experiences with realtors and the broader real estate industry. Initiatives the builders have undertaken to address the challenges and explore opportunities to utilize realtors to sell their homes. What the real estate industry is doing to meet the marketplace consumer demand and product availability for high performance homes. The specific initiatives the realtor industry has been engaged in to advance the evolving relationship between these key stakeholders.